Will my next breath carry with it the answers to which I seek? Clues? A single hint that would lead me to the next step on my journey would be a true blessing. In all my life I’ve always wondered, always have waited, for the day I would learn the riddles, to learn the rules of this harsh game of which we all must play. To this day, my prays have been unanswered, left to wonder the deep corridors of my mind, yearning for a sign.
My many achievements, my many more loses, they have all been the lights and cracks in the halls attempting to guide me, and yet, though I know they are meant to help, they seem to only to delude and distort the path before me. Each new light with a broken step behind it, each step taken in the opposite direction.
What lies beyond my reach? What lies under? The destination I am heading to, is it the best one? Or am I just relying on luck and others to help me when most of them will only let me fall?